
A Sweet Delivery ~ Day of Days 16

My Briana aka Lil Yellow
This little girl already started out as a surprise. I found i was pregnant with her when i went in for my Depo birth control shot. Yeah the doctor/midwife was surprised too. I was 9-13 weeks pregnant at that time you only got the shot every 13 weeks so I'm like wtf!! Me and her dad were not a couple...he was a few years younger than me. I had my qualms about this pregnancy because i already had my 3 1/2 year old son to care for and i really was done having kids...yeah i was 24 and not looking forward to it.

It was an okay pregnancy beside the weight gain and PIH. I had pre-eclampsia/toxemia with my son and they were sure i would have it this time. That day started off bad. I had an appointment to see the WIC office for my son and for me...i was an overweight mom due to pregnancy. All night morning i knew i was having contractions but i stopped counting cause i figure she wasnt due for another month its just my body acting up. Plus it was sweetest day the day before and of course i got it in with my honey aka her daddy.

As i am sitting there talking to the nutritionist she sees my face keep turning from pain to relief she asked was i okay i told her i just really needed to get home to lay down so i needed them to hurry up. I sat and waiting for my coupons and headed back down the street with my son in tow. I felt those contraction but i wanted to get my son home so i could come back alone. We waited for the bus in front of the hospital...first one was full so i stayed seated on the bench. Next one came and i went to stand up and i felt trickling down my leg. I didn't have to pee so i knew it wasn't right. There were 2 teenage girls sitting behind the bus station i asked one to come to me and told her when i stand up tell me if my pants are wet. I stood up and my water broke...yeah insert my face and my son saying "ooh momma you pee pee'd on you self" Thanks son...
the two young ladies walked me back down to Rainbow Babies and Children because i was lightheaded knowing my bp was low i was thankful. 

They pretty much triage me the same as my son my bp was now sky high and they had to bring it down. I was 35 5/7 weeks so she was a month to the day early. I sat Brandon in a chair turned on cartoons and called my mom, then had to call her dads job (he thought it was a joke) he worked downtown about 10-15 minute away i think he ran half way to the hospital lol. They called everyone else cause i was out of it with blackouts after that. She was in no way ready to come through the canal i stayed 4cm for like forever, mind you my water broke at 2-20 pm and i didn't have her until 455a the next day. Walking didn't work squatting wasn't working, and the pitosin was barely doing anything. They attempted an epidural but it was a no go. i just took it cause i knew i wouldn't be in these stirrups again. (signed for a tubal ligation at 6 months)

My mother and her father were the only ones in the room i kicked medical students out...you ain't guinea piggin me this time. i think by the time i was fully dilated she was starting to get in distress so i told them lets get this over with. I pushed about 4x and she popped out into her daddies arms she went. I have never in my life been so glad to be done. I won't try to tell anyone not to have kids but 2 was enough for me. At 830 a.m i was official tied stapled cut and through with childbirth. All bodies don't react the same to pregnancy...I'm glad i have them but I'm through with the experience. Y'all can have it.

She is now 12 and my joy and pain 


The God'ess said...

Pretty young lady

ABoyd378 said...

"yeah insert my face and my son saying "ooh momma you pee pee'd on you self" Thanks son..."

Out of the Mouth of Babes... LOL!!

I am happy to see that she is Healthy and You are doing Great! :-D

As the Budda Flows said...

thanks y'all i forgot add i dint know she was a girl til i had her..

No Labels said...

Such a beauty!

Thee_Kween said...

Awww mama's yellow girl. lol

Reggie said...

Your daughter is a cutie.


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