
Generosity - Many Thanks

Its so hard to not be generous...i think its just part of some folks genetic makeup. We give and give and empathize with our fellow man. We don't ignore the bum on the street who authentically may need a few bucks even if he is just going to soak his sins in Mad Dog 20/20.

I think the reason i am so generous with some things in my life is because i feel that if i do good things for other people that will make my God a pleased God. If its money, my time, my ear, a hug a quick smile to an elder....its free and I give it with no intention of getting it back. Its not that i think i'm gonna get rewarded for it..i just like to do unto to people as they do for me.

I am thankful for any one that has entended any type of generosity to me. I thank you from the bottom of my heart.


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