
Thank God it's over.. Happy New Year

I think i have blogged enough in 2012 and i don't really feel the need to dwell on what i have already spilled all year. I am truly just dealing with what i have on my plate currently. 

I have endured so much pain this year and some of it was self inflicted and the rest i allowed someone to give me. I just want to live, love, and be happy. It's there for me i just have to grab it and hold on to it. I never ever want to negate the things i did this year. Everyone has things they regret and things they would never take back cause at the time it was worth it. I never want to speak a word of the bad things that happened this year. It gives it too much life. I'm ready to move on and be happy with me. Not a man, not a situation, not anything i cannot control. 

I bought into that ride or die bullshit this year. Not for me babes. I will never go as far  i did this year. Yea i got alot of happy moments out of it, but i also took alot of stuff that i normally would have thrown up the peace sign on. All in the name of love. It's time to give this fragile heart to take a break and get herself together. Lots of lonely nights behind me and many in front of me...but i won't have to worry bout nobody but me and my kids well being.

I've learned alot about the people around me. I know who i can trust, i know who i can confide in, and i know who is wishy washy. I may not say anything but i always observe everything that's said or done in my presence. Face value. Your friend have friends that they share information with. You may think its only between you and that person but its not. I chose to keep my shit to myself that way no one has a case of the "damn it slipped out" moment. Be a real friend if it doesn't have nothing to do with the other party then they need not know. 

My family is wonderful they really helped me keep my spirits up this holiday season cause i was going down fast. God is awesome cause i had no plans this year. He sent my cousin up here and sent my good friends out to kick it with me. I do really think it was him. I prayed for a decent birthday even if i was in the house chillin and i got it. Christmas was smooth and New Year's I'm going to drink a few glasses of wine in my living room and kiss the drama of 2012 goodbye. 

In conclusion i did publish my own poetry book available now on www.createspace.com/3816107 its called As The Budda Flows and the link to the book and the Kindle version is available on the side bar of both blogger pages. thanks to those who have supported me over the years. I will be releasing another erotic poetry book around Valentine's Day. 

Have a happy prosperous New Year to all my readers thanks for being apart of my world.

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