
Entity - BuddaLand

Singing *Elmo voice* Lalalala lalalala Budda's World! That's my personal entity....where I am free to be myself, express myself, and say pretty much how I feel without getting reported escorted or kicked out of anywhere. Joy pain celebration or just plain rantings...but its my world. Most people worry about what some body had to say I don't. I alfa have no problem kicking a disrespectful passenger off my private island.
                                                        My not for profit franchise doesn't need a label sponsor or spokesperson I make it clear in all my post that this is me and I'm not going to change...hate it or love it baby.
I am a entity all but myself promoting honesty and allowing my trials and testimony to encourage our inspire someone else who thinks they are alone.

1 comment:

Reggie said...

Do you........I do me. That's what I love about my blog as well.


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