
Day 12 - Signs of Love...

12~ Do you believe in zodiac compatibility? Who is your best match from experience? You worst?

I believe your zodiac has some effect on your compatibility as well as just normal personality traits. I wouldn't rely on it as a guide but i can say my life resembles my horoscope most of those Qualities above are all about me.

My current boyfriend is a Virgo 

Modest and shy 

Meticulous and reliable 

Practical and diligent intelligent 

with dark side of 

Fussy and a worrier 

Overcritical and harsh 

Perfectionist and conservative.(horoscope.com)

He exhibits most the qualities that Virgo's have but we mesh well together...

I know i have to say Taurus Aries and Capricorn men are a definite no-no for me. Those signs are definitely as stubborn as i am and it just would not balance out. i don't really follow zodiacs to chose my man... I just don't. Here's Tyrese take on "The signs of love makin' "


Will B. Free said...

Welp that takes me out of contention(capricorn)lol but I do believe in signs alittle. Leo's drive me crazy(in more ways than one)and I'm magnetically attracted to virgo's. I used to date a girl that was a Sag and ALL we did was have sex or argue about EVERYTHING(in that order).

Thee_Kween said...

LOL @ Bruh!

I don't use it to guide me either, but I heed the signs. I will give a dude a shot, but if I've encountered his sign before and he displays those tendencies that made my ass itch...I'mma heed that. LOL

Um, my verification word is: swizatem

...well, what exactly did Swizz eat? lolol

As the Budda Flows said...

Bruh i wouldnt say that...just said the ones ive dealt with were not a match lol
@Kween i feel that sis

Reggie said...

I don't buy it.

What I believe in are pretty faces, nice smile, ample boobage and centauresque asses. As long as a woman has those attributes then we're compatable.

No Labels said...

lol@Reggie...like the "centauresque" there...

I did some deeper explanation on mine...and came up with some interesting results.

PS: Virgos rule...(okay, I'm a lil biased because I am a Virgo)


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